Thursday, March 31, 2011

GM - General Manager? (Genuine Monkey!!!)

I am thinking of the next topic that I can post to my blog page because it’s been almost a month since I posted the last one.

Lately I’m quite busy and a little bit pressured in my work due to the anxiousness I am feeling towards the newly joined GM in the company (who really treated me badly).

After trying several attempts of putting all the ideas that were mingling on my brain, on what topic should I do for my page, I am always ended up thinking of my work and the severe criticism and verbal attack of the new GM.

Hence I came out with the idea to write about some of his wordings and how he belittles other people. I am hesitant to discuss his rudeness and include on my blog but the time is running out for the month of March and I still don’t have a concrete material to write so it leave me with no choice but do this.
Here are some of his(new GM) words of encouragement;

His 1st week in the company and asked me to go to his house.
(I'm not familiar with the area and got lost)
  • I can never work with a person like you and I will tell it to the owner! (over the phone) Now tell me where the hell are you?
  • You have seen and asked one monkey on the way and you believed what he said?
  • With what you are getting I can replace you with four Indians! One accountant, one warehouseman, one driver and one person who will sit the whole day and will do nothing!
The GM’s impressions and critiscism on me;
  • When I first saw you, I knew you were not good.
  • You dressed like an R&B artist, baggy jeans and loose shirt.
  • Don’t go to the bank wearing your basketball shirt and jeans.
  • You look like a surveyor on what you are wearing.
When he is sending the mail from the wrong account (his mistakes)
conversation by phone:
  • It is impossible that you are not receiving my mail, i have sent it thrice!
  • Do you know how to use the email or the Outlook?
  • You should call the I.T. to fix the problem, have some initiative!
When talking to me about other people.
  • Hell with that agent.
  • Give me the number of that stupid lady.
  • That bank personnel is also a donkey.
Here is the best statement from him.

"I already discussed to the owner and we decided to reduce your salary".

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